The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

cost, streching of* a gret lenght, covered with an infenite number of highe and fayre trees, we being not past 7 or 8 leages from the shore, the countrye seming unto us playn, withowt any shewe of hilles, and approching nearer within 4 or 5 leages of the land, we cast ancre at ten fadom watter, the bottom of the sea being playn with muche oosef and of fast hold.|| On the southe side as far as a certen poynt or cape, scituate un- der the latitude of 29 degrees and a half, which we have named the cap Francoys,§ we could espie nether river nor baye, wherfore we sent our boates, furnished with men of experience, to sound and knowe the coast nere the shore, who retourning agen unto us abowt one of the clocke at after none, declared that they had found, amonges other thinges, viij fadom watter at the harde bancke of the sea. Wherupon, having dill- igently wayed up our ancres and hoist up saile, ?’Off ===================================================== f P., Ocias. Jones thought (p. 97, n. 2) ‘perhaps for osiers.’ || P. has no full stop here but one after Francoys, two lines further on.   § Probably a point of land north of the present St. Augus- tine. Cf. Lowery,^. cit., 1562-74, pp. 32-3. P. has a full stop here.      

One thought on “The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

  1. […] Ribault’s account of his first trip to La Florida entitled “The True Discouerie of Terra Florrida” includes many clues that help pinpoint locations that would be helpful in finding the true […]