The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

lett, shewing unto us by signes that they had within the lande gould, silver, and copper wher- of we have brought some muster; also leade like unto ours, which we shewed unto them, tur- queses, and a great abundaunce of perlles, which, as they declared unto us, they toke owt of oys- ters, wherof there is taken every * along the river side and amonges the reedes and in the marishes and in so mervelous aboundaunce as ys scant credeble. And we have perceved that ther be as many and as faire perles found there as in any contry in the worlde, for we sawe a man of theires, as we entered into our boates, that had a perle hanging at a collour of gould and silver about his necke as great as an acorn at the least. This man, as he had taken ffishe in one of there fish- ing parkesf therby, brought the same to our boates, and our men perceving his great pearle and making a wonderinge at yt for the|| greatnes therof, one of them putting his ffynger towardes yt, the man drewe backe and would no more ===================================================== * P., ever. The word day has probably been omitted, f P., packs.   || All the words after perceiving are omitted in P.      

One thought on “The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

  1. […] Ribault’s account of his first trip to La Florida entitled “The True Discouerie of Terra Florrida” includes many clues that help pinpoint locations that would be helpful in finding the true […]