About Gary C. Daniels

Gary C. Daniels is a tv and multimedia producer and the founder of TheNewWorld.us and LostWorlds.org. He holds a BFA in Television Production from the Savannah College of Art & Design and a Master's in Communications from Georgia State University where his Master's Thesis project, LostWorlds.org, earned a Roger K. Warlick Best Media Project award from the Georgia Historical Society. He has produced documentary and interactive projects for the Teaching American History grant, been nominated for an Emmy and has appeared on History Channel's H2 network.
admin has written 65 articles so far, you can find them below.

Fort St. Augustine Eyewitness Accounts

If the true location of the French Fort Caroline is on the Altamaha River near Darien, Georgia and not the St. Johns River near Jacksonville, Florida (as I argued here and here) then this presents a question: where was the original Fort St. Augustine? According to the Spanish general Pedro Menendez, it required two days […]

Academics Locate Fort Caroline in Georgia not Florida

Evidence continues to accumulate that the site of Fort Caroline, the first European settlement in America, was actually in Darien, Georgia and not Jacksonville, Florida as has been long asserted. In fact, a 1/3 scale reproduction of the fort was constructed along the St. John’s River in Jacksonville despite the fact that no physical evidence has […]

Fort Caroline in Georgia, not Florida, new research reveals

For 150 years researchers have been unsuccessful in unearthing the remains of the French settlement known as Fort Caroline. A new analysis of Spanish and French written, eyewitness accounts of its location and description of the rivers, geography and Native American tribes in its vicinity has revealed that the fort was located along the Altamaha River near Darien, Georgia not the […]

Relation of Nicholas Burgoignon

 The relation of Nicholas Burgoignon, aliâs Holy, whom sir Francis Drake brought from Saint Augustine also in Florida, where he had remayned sixe yeeres, in mine and Master Heriots hearing. This Nicholas Burgoignon sayth, that betweene S. Augustine and S. Helen there is a Casique whose name is Casicôla, which is lord of ten thousand […]

The Relation of Pedro Morales

The relation of Pedro Morales a Spaniard, which sir Francis Drake brought from Saint Augustines in Florida, where he had remayned sixe yeeres, touching the state of those parts, taken from his mouth by Master Richard Hakluyt 1586. Three score leagues up from the Northwest from Saint Helena are the mountaines of the golde and […]

On the Nature of the Apalachites

“Digression on the Nature of the Country of the Apalachites, their Manners, their Ancient and Their New Religion” from Histoire Naturelle and Morale des Antilles de l’Amerique by Rochefort. The Caribbians were originally Inhabitants of the Septentrional part of America, of that Country which is now called Florida: They, came to Inhabit the islands after […]

Hernando D’Escalante Fontaneda

Hernando de Escalante Fontaneda (c. 1536 – after 1575, dates uncertain) was a Spanish shipwreck survivor who lived among the Indians of Florida for 17 years. His memoir [version 1] [version 2], written in 1575, is one of the most valuable contemporary accounts of American Indian life from that period. Around 1549, when Fontaneda was […]

Quest for Fort Caroline

Current academic consensus holds that the French settlement of Fort Caroline was located on the St. Johns River in modern-day Jacksonville, Florida. Yet details in both French and Spanish written accounts as well as details in drawings left behind by the colony’s resident artist, Jacques Le Moyne, have always contradicted this location. These accounts suggest […]

Review: The Apalachee Indians and Mission San Luis

The Apalachee Indians and Mission San Luis is without question one of the most beautiful history books ever produced about a Native American tribe in the Southeastern United States. This book is devoted to telling the story of the Apalachee Indians, a tribe in northwest Florida, and their interactions with Spanish conquistadors and colonists. It […]

Charlesbourg-Royal in Quebec

The first European colony in Canada (after the Vikings in 1000 AD) was the French colony of Charlesbourg-Royal in modern-day Quebec, Canada. Built in 1544 it would be preceded by only one other European colony on the East Coast of North America: San Miguel de Gualdape built in 1526 in Georgia. Thus Charlesbourg-Royal is the second […]
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