The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

botes, meale, vyctualles, and smale howshold stuf, as bothe in not taking awaye or touching any part therof, and in leaving in the place where the [y] dressed there meate, knyves, loking glasses and littell beades of glasse, which they love and esteme above gould and pearles for to hang them at there eares and necke, and [to] give them to there wives and childern, they were somewhate emboldened; for some of them came to our boate, of the which * we carriede two goodly and strong abourd our shippes, clothing and using them as gentlly and lovingly as yt was possible; but they never ceassed day nor nyght to lament and at lengh they scaped awaye. Wherfore, al- beyt I was willing, according to your comaund- ment and memoriall, to bring away withe us some of that people, yet by thadviz of those that were sent with us on the Princes behalf and youres,f I forbare to do so for many considerations and reasons that they tould me, and for that also we were in doubte that, leving some of our men to ===================================================== * Indians.   f P., to br’tnge awaye some of them with vs, on the Princes behalf e & yours.      

One thought on “The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

  1. […] Ribault’s account of his first trip to La Florida entitled “The True Discouerie of Terra Florrida” includes many clues that help pinpoint locations that would be helpful in finding the true […]