The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

where they mete with us the day before, seming unto us that there ys some ennemytie bytwen them and the others. But when the [y] perceved our* long tarring on this side, the [y] ran to se what we had don in that place where we landed ffirst and had sett our lymete, which they vewed a gret while withowt touching yt any waye, or abasshing, or ever speaking unto us therof at any tyme after. Howebeit we could scant departe but as yt were with greif of mynde from theis our first alies,f they runyng|| unto us [all] along the river from all partes, presentyng us with some of there harte skins, paynted and unpaynted, meale, littell cakes, freshe watter, roottes like unto ru- barbe, which they have in great estymation, and make therof a kinde of bevradg or potion of medyzen. Also they brought us littell bagges of redd coullours and some smale peces like un- to oore,§ perceving also amonges them faire thinges paynted as yt had byn with grayn of scar- ===================================================== * The manuscript has also the before our. f P., this our first alliance. || P., rowing.   § P. has spices like vnto Vire.      

One thought on “The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

  1. […] Ribault’s account of his first trip to La Florida entitled “The True Discouerie of Terra Florrida” includes many clues that help pinpoint locations that would be helpful in finding the true […]