The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

stones, oister shelles, and mustelles,* wherwith the [y] make also ther bowes and smale lances, and cutt and pullishe all sortes of woodes that they employe abowt there buldinges and neces- sarye use. There grovith [also] many walnuttrees hazel trees and smale chery trees verry faire and great, and generally we have sene there of the same symples and herbes that we have in Fraunce and of like goodnes savour and tast. The people are verry good archers and of great strenght; there bowe strynges are made of lether and there arrowes of reades which the [y] do hedd with the teathe of certen ffishes.   As we [nowe] demaunded of them for a cer- ten towne called Sevola,f wherof some have wrytten not to be farr from thence, and to be scit- uate within the lande and towardes the southe sea, || they shewed us by signes which we under- stode well enough, that they might go thither ===================================================== * Mussels : P., muscles.   f P., concernyng the land called Sevola. On Cibola in Northern Mexico, see Woodbury Lowery, The Spanish Settlements in the United States, 1515-61, p. 267, New York, 1901; and G. P.Win- ship, The Coronado Expedition, Smithsonian Institution, 1906.   || P., the Sea called the South Sea.      

One thought on “The Whole and True Discouerye of Terra Florida by Jean Ribault

  1. […] Ribault’s account of his first trip to La Florida entitled “The True Discouerie of Terra Florrida” includes many clues that help pinpoint locations that would be helpful in finding the true […]